Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hello Kitty cake

This order came from my sister, she has a fried chicken restaurant which allowed the customer to celebrate the birthday party at there...
honestly this is the 4th project for hello kitty!!!.. please... next time order the other theme yaaa...
*bosen ceritanya :D *

Chocolate sponge cake (*andalan) covered with buttercream, simple, cute, and pinky abiss

anyway,happy bday Octa... we have the same birthday :)

For Me...

Thank You Alloh...
Semoga Alloh senantiasa melindungiku,
Semoga Alloh memberikan anugrah umur yang berkah,
Semoga Alloh mengabulkan setiap doaku, doa dari suamiku, papa mama, bapak ibu, Saudara, teman...
Semoga Alloh juga memberkahi dan merahmati mereka semua...

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Happy Birthday my Dear....

Happy birthday my dear...
Semoga panjang umur, sehat,
dan dianugrahi umur yang barokah oleh Alloh Swt... Aminn
Ulang tahunnya emang udah lewat, tapi berhubung orangnya baru dateng, jadilah kita tetep tiup lilin ;)
terinspirasi dari desain-desain baju batik.. akhirnya coba-coba membatik diatas cake ini, wahh ternyata susyahh sekali yah. Belom rapi bener, tapi mayanlah buat kelas pemula. Base cakenya coklat sponge cake andalan dan dicover full buttercream..semoga dia suka ;)
Happy birthday my dear... love you always....